illustration for Build Content Rich Progressive Web Apps with Gatsby and Contentful

Build Content Rich Progressive Web Apps with Gatsby and Contentful


Khaled Garbaya
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The JAMstack, short for “JavaScript, APIs, and Markup,” has been making waves in the world of web development.

Building JAMstack applications removes the hassle of building out a backend from scratch, freeing you to focus on what really matters: your content.

In this course, you’ll learn how to build and deploy your own static Gatsby site that pulls external data from Contentful and then deploys to the web with Netlify. After the course, you’ll have all the knowledge you need to build a blog, marketing site, or portfolio with Gatsby. Just add content.

Check out these community notes for this course on Github.


Aleksander Ageev (illustration)

What you'll learn

  • Data Modeling with Contentful
  • Starting a Gatsby project
  • Using GraphQL to query data in Gatsby
  • Deploying a static site with Netlify
  • Set up automatic redeployment