Refactor Angular Controller Logic to Services

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In Angular, we want to keep our controllers lightweight and specific to the view that it is controlling. To accomplish this, we are going to refactor our categories collection into a CategoriesModel. A recurring theme in Angular 2 is that everything is "just a class". When we create our controllers and services in an Angular 2 style, they are also "just a class". We will see this in action as we convert our controller almost verbatim into a service.

~ 8 years ago

Hi, what is the advantage of CategoriesModel being a service of CommonModule instead of CategoriesModule?

Lukas Ruebbelke
Lukas Ruebbelke(instructor)
~ 8 years ago

Hi Stanislav -- I like to break out services that are used by multiple components into a common module so that I can spin up one component without having a hard dependency on another component.