1. 33
    Course Outro: Where to go from here!
    1m 44s

Course Outro: Where to go from here!

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Wow, congrats πŸŽ‰. You did it! I'm fully aware this was a lot. I really hope you enjoyed the course. From here you can dive into different things:

  • keep finishing your own Digital Garden with the knowledge you gained (send me the link once you've deployed it!)
  • explore more of Next.js (hint hint, Egghead has some great courses on the topic)
  • learn more about Nx. It is probably the most transferrable knowledge item of this course as it can be applied to your next React application, Node app and more. Nx is really made to scale, so your next, huge enterprise project might just be a good moment to hop on!

Also, if you want to learn more about Nx specifically, I have another completely free Egghead course on Scaling React Development with Nx

Make sure you leave a review comment on the course if you found it useful. And as always, feel free to ping me on Twitter or my website πŸ‘‹