Consume a Generated Twilio Token in Gatsby with React Hooks

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Now that we have a serverless function to generate a Twilio token, we need to use it.

In this lesson, we'll use axios within our custom React hook to request and store a token from the serverless Twilio function. The generated token will be used to protect routes that require authentication within Gatsby.

Kofi Ocran
Kofi Ocran
~ 5 years ago
~ 5 years ago

On submit, my state isn't changing and the console says: localhost/:1 Access to XMLHttpRequest at '' from origin 'http://localhost:8000' has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. xhr.js:178 POST net::ERR_FAILED. Any ideas what might be causing this?

Jason Lengstorf
Jason Lengstorf(instructor)
~ 4 years ago

hey there — the headers have to be set in the Twilio function to allow requests from your domain

check out the response.setHeaders part here:

thanks for watching!

~ 4 years ago

It was actually just a simple capitalization error. Thanks!