Using Custom Events as a web component API

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In this lesson you will learn how to use custom events to expose internal events from withing a web component.

~ 4 years ago

May I ask why it is you define ids but then use querySelector('#id')? Isn't it more efficient to use getElementById('id')?

~ 4 years ago

Overall a well thought out tutorial a well presented. Thank You

Yonatan Kra
Yonatan Kra(instructor)
~ 4 years ago

Thanks for the feedback Denys :) Regarding your question:

May I ask why it is you define ids but then use querySelector('#id')? Isn't it more efficient to use getElementById('id')? Performance was not the point of the lesson and querySelector was what I came up with at the time. When writing your app you should consider optimizing when needed. In this case, I query for 3 elements only once so it would be microoptimization to take this into account. If you are optimizing in a for loop, then you'd might have performance implications. See this jsperf for reference: Cheers!

~ 4 years ago

I really appreciate your response and for taking time out to find and the link , the results of which I found quite interesting.

Thank you
