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Building a React.js App: Component Validation with PropTypes

InstructorTyler McGinnis

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In this video, we’ll add PropTypes to some of our existing components to ensure that each component gets the data it needs to function properly.

One of the fundamental pieces of React is to be able to build components and to be able to have those components be reusable throughout your entire application. Part of making your components reusable is making sure that these props that we pass in the component have prop type validation on them. What I mean by that, is when we use user profile, our user profile component will be pretty worthless if we don't give it a user name, and if we don't give it a bio. The same thing with repos and with notes.

If we come in here and we just render the notes component list this, it's going to break because the notes component is very reliant upon this user name and upon these notes. What we can do, and a feature that React gives us is this idea of prop types. If we head over to our repos.js file, what we can do is as a property on a create class object, we can come in here and add prop types.

Basically what this is going to allow us to do, is it's going to allow us to validate the props that are being passed in to make sure that they're the right type, and also if we want them to be required, we can also specify that as well. So looking at how the repos component is being used, you'll notice here we're passing in user name and we're passing in a repo. So what we're going to do is on prop types we're going to say the user name is react.propTypes. It's going to be a string, and we want that to be required.

Then with repos again react.propTypes, this is now going to be an array, and it's going to be required. We don't have to have it required, but as we talked about earlier when we use repos, we basically need a user name and a repos array for this, so let's go ahead and now when we render our repos component, let's go ahead and take out user name and let's see what happens. Now you'll notice we get this warning, "Failed proptype required user name was not specified in repos."

Because we said this user name needs to be required, it threw an error. So we come back here and instead of throwing in a string, let's go ahead and throw in an array, and remember we said it needs to be a string, and it needs to be required. So what's going to happen is this is going to throw another error, and say, hey, you gave us an array and we actually needed a string. So again this whole idea of proptypes or type checking makes it so that our components are being used in the way that we intend for them to be used.

Let's go ahead and go over to user profile, and let's add some prop checking here. So again, check out proptypes which is an object and we want the user name to be react.propTypes.string, it is required, and then bio is same thing, react.propTypes it's going to be an object that is required for this component to function correctly.

Then let's go ahead and head over to notes, and again notes we're going to set up proptypes and the user name that we're passing in as always is a string that is required, this component also needs notes that is an array that is required. All right, so let's go ahead and run this and make sure everything's working well. Perfect. Let's test this one more time, let's go to our notes, let's go ahead and take off notes and this should throw an error.

There we go, failed proptype. So everything is working correctly, but now what we've done is we've made the user profile, the repos, and the notes component all validate that they're being used correctly.