Learn how to animate components based off of React state. Imperatively triggering an animation is a common use case, and one that is easily facilitated with state and Framer's animation APIs.
You can use it to cycle a component through specific states like rotating or changing the position of an element.
Check out the official docs for more information about the useCycle
hook for toggling between multiple states.
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Instructor: This icon doesn't have any interactivity or animation, so wrap it in a motion.div to enable framer-motion APIs on the element.
You can add an animate prop for an attribute like rotation with a hard-coded numeric value, but you will only see the animation on the initial page load.
If you're instead passing a value managed by React State, you can programmatically adjust the value the icon should animate to. Assign a variable of rotation and then set a method called setRotation defaulting the value to .
Replace the hard-coded numeric value with a new rotation variable. Make sure to import useState from React. Add a new onClick method to the motion element that sets the rotation to a new value, 180 degrees larger each time it's clicked. With each press, the icon will animate as it rotates another 180 degrees.