illustration for Next Migration Course Extras

Next Migration Course Extras


Ben Patton
people completed

As new features are added to Nextjs app router that do not fall within the scope of the main course, these lessons will be updated and more will be added

How to use this course:

This course is meant to be a supplemental course for the Next Migrate Course.

The lessons match up as follows:

  • The two 'primer' lessons follow the 'Initialize The App Router' lesson in the Next Migration Course.
  • The 'migrating routes/pages' lessons (3 & 4) match up with the migrating routes lessons (sales, customer routes, and deposit route)
  • The migrating route handler and api routes lessons follow the migration of customer api routes from the main course
  • The refactoring of api routes to server components lessons follow "Refactor Customer Id Api Route Handler to Server Component" lesson
  • The refactoring to server actions lessons follow/fall within the main course refactoring to server action lessons