Streams give you the power to handle a "pending" state where you've made a request for data, but the data hasn't yet returned. You can leverage this pending stream to update your template as well which is often displayed as a "loader" or disabling some part of the UI.
For rxjs 6 users, imports only need the startWith adding to the imports from rxjs/operators, but updated for clarity:
import { from, merge, of } from 'rxjs'
import { pluck, switchMap, map, mapTo, catchError, share, startWith } from 'rxjs/operators'
Then, just for good measure, here're the updated disabled and buttonText streams, using pipe:
const disabled$ = merge($.pipe(mapTo(true)),
const buttonText$ = disabled$.pipe(
map(bool => bool ? "Loading..." : "Load" )
I hope nobody minds I'm adding these below each video, and that they help someone!