This lesson shows how to map the current tab to a remote stream leveraging the combineLatest
operator to grab the latest tab value and the values from loading in a remote data set of people.
Hi again everyone! I've got some rxjs 6 updates/fixes for you here:
import { from, merge, of, combineLatest } from 'rxjs'
import { pluck, map, mapTo, catchError, share, startWith, exhaustMap } from 'rxjs/operators';
and the "luke" function, which I named "getName" below:
const getName$ = combineLatest(
(tabId, people) => people[tabId].id
map( id => `${id}`),
exhaustMap( createLoader ),
catchError(() => of({ name: "Failed :(" }))
As always, if my code doesn't look great, and you know of a better/tidier way to write it, please chip in!