1. 8
    Create Astro Content Collections with Zod for a Typesafe Blog
    7m 48s

Create Astro Content Collections with Zod for a Typesafe Blog

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A blog isn't worth much if you don't have a place to put your content. In this lesson we'll dive deep into Astros content collections API which is a feature for organizing all of your content and ensuring when you create your content you add the proper data to your front matter.

To do this we'll create a content folder that contains a config.ts inside that config we'll use defineCollection from astro:content to declare what our blog data will look like. From here you can set a schema property and use zod to declare the shape of the data you'd like your content to be in.

When actually creating content, Astro will throw errors if you miss an attribute in your frontmatter that was set in your schema.

Astro also gives you an easy way to grab all the content you have with the getCollection function. We'll use this function to add links to our latests blog posts on the home page.