1. 15
    Milestone Recap: Build a Full Stack Blog with Astro
    1m 30s

Milestone Recap: Build a Full Stack Blog with Astro

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Congratulations! You now know how to build static sites with Astro. You have everything you need to be productive and build projects all over the internet.

The next section we are going to get into advanced features that you can build with Astro. Depending on your use-case, you might not need some of the features but I wanted to put these together for you so you know what exists and how to approach these features with Astro.

We'll be learning how to:

  • inject interactivity into a static site with Astro Island Architecture
  • Dockerize our site
  • using GitHub Actions to build our custom site
  • connect to a database with DrizzleORM
  • dynamically generate og-images based on the page you are on