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    Implement Pagination in a Dynamic Astro Index Page with getStaticPaths and paginate
    9m 20s

Implement Pagination in a Dynamic Astro Index Page with getStaticPaths and paginate

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Note: I'm setting the page's type by directly assigning it (const page: Page<CollectionEntry<'blog'>> = ...)

That won't work in recent versions of Astro because if we don't define type Props, Astro.props will be a record of type Record<string, unknown> and we can't cast an unknown to the Page type.

To fix this, we need to define type Props and set the page type in it, instead of casting the page constant to it. See the code here.

When you have tens or hundreds of posts in your blog it can be a good user experience to paginate posts so they can be browsed.

Astro gives us an API to implement pagination easily. To do this we will convert our index page to a dynamic page by renaming to [page].astro.

Now that you have a dynamic page, you'll need to export a getStaticPaths function that will define what pages are rendered. When we utilize the GetStaticPaths type on this function you'll notice that Astro gives us a paginate function we can use.

We'll return a call to paginate from getStaticPaths and set the blog posts and page size we want to paginate on. This will return a page to us from Astro.props.page that will have all the necessary controls for building pagination like next and previous urls as well as the current pages data.

To see all the data available to you on the page you can pull in the Page generic type from Astro and pass in Page<CollectionEntry<'blog'>>. From here we'll use this data to render the proper amount posts with conditionally rendered pagination control down below.