Configure Granular Permissions for Restricting Read, Write, and Delete Access in Appwrite

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One potential hiccup with our application is the fact that literally anyone can do literally anything in our application. This is… a major security hole! This was expected though, as we wanted to make this thing first work. But now’s the time we lock things down!

Appwrite gives us the ability to set granular permissions where we’re able to define exactly who we want to access and what. In our case, we want anyone to see the events, but we don’t want everyone to create events, only people who are logged in (you can customize this). And we don’t want just anyone logged in (or out) to delete events, we only want Admins or specific users to be able to delete any of the events.

Here we’ll work through configuring our granular permission where we’ll start off with locking down adding events including Documents and Files to only logged in users. Once that’s accomplished, we’ll create a new Team for Admins, which will allow us to designate specific users that we want to be able to give additional access to where in this case, we’ll provide the ability for Admins to delete events.

What You’ll Learn

  • Define specific permissions to allow only logged in users to Create Documents and Files
  • Create a new Team to designate Admins
  • Add additional permissions for Admins to delete Documents and Files
