Delete the Current Session in Appwrite to Log Out an Authenticated User

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When logging into any application, the expectation is you can log out. Maybe it’s because you want to prevent someone else using the device from messing with your account, but whatever it is, we ultimately want to destroy the current session both by locally signing out and also letting Appwrite know that the session is no longer active.

The Appwrite SDK has an easy method to handle this where we don’t technically need to even pass in the current session ID, we can just simply tell it we want to delete the current session for the device like we did in the last lesson, and that’s it!

So we’ll see how we can use the Delete Session endpoint to do just that, passing in the “current” key like before to specify we just want to clear the device’s active session, and then clearing local state to re-render the UI and avoid any stale session information from sticking around.

What You’ll Learn

  • Delete the current session
  • Clear local state after deleting a session
