Delete an Appwrite Document from a Database Collection in React

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We have a list of some pretty amazing events, but two of your event managers just submitted the same event twice! :gasp: Does that mean they have to manually edit the Document’s fields? Likely not… we don’t want people having to manually edit a database. Instead, we can give the option to delete events, so that whether it's a typo or an invalid event, we can quickly get rid of it.

As we can probably expect at this point, the Appwrite SDK not only gives us the flexibility to create, but also delete any Document or File we want. So that means, we can easily clean things up by passing in the ID of the Document or File we want and it's gone! The tricky part though, is how do we make sure we always delete the File associated with the Document so we don’t end up with a bunch of extra unnecessary files getting stored.

In this lesson, we’ll first learn how we can use the Delete Document endpoint to delete any of our Database Collection entries. As we know, there’s a field within that Document that references a file, so we’ll see how we can first use that reference ID to delete the associated File, then continue on with the Document deletion process. And to do all of that, we’ll make sure we have the right permissions configured to avoid making unauthenticated requests!

What You’ll Learn

  • Delete a Document from a Database Collection by ID
  • Delete a File referenced in a Document by ID
  • Configure Delete permissions for Documents and Files
